Get Used to Different

Dear Real Academics, One of the best series I've watched recently is The Chosen . I love everything about it, including the fact that it is different in the way it's crowd funded, streamed through The Chosen app, and created in a way that is relatable and incredibly high-quality. I also love how Jesus, one of the main characters, tells his students to "Get used to different." Are you used to different, Real Academics? I thought I was "used to different" as an academic by default. If I am honest, though, so much of what I and others around me did was really all the "same": Same problems - why do they never get solved? And, do we even want them to solve the problems (Think: If we did, then what would be a purpose for "further research")? Same arguments. Same analysis. I felt like a hamster spinning in a wheel. And what was "new" were really just "new" labels for old ideas. Novelty, I learned much too slowly, was fro...