What is Your Value?
Dear Real Academics,
I've been reading and thinking a lot about value lately, and I just had to ask, "What is your value?" And, I don't mean, "What do you value?" But, "What is your value?"
But first, allow me to clarify and contextualize the question.
As a Christian, I believe in what the Bible teaches about every person having intrinsic value, with no one having more or less intrinsic value than another person. I realize this may run counter-cultural in some places, but this is what I believe in terms of human life and worth. This, however, is not the kind of value I'm talking about.
Here, I'm talking about value related to your skills. I have no doubt those of you reading this post have many valuable skills. Some of you are professional writers and editors. Some of you are scholars and teachers. Some of you are business professionals and artists. Some of you are all of the above or some combination or other. You get the idea.
So, let me ask again, "What is your value?"
An easy way to answer this question is based on your profession. Most professions have expected salary ranges and gradients within that profession as you move through ranks (hopefully, up ranks!). But, other professions are a bit more blurry.
I always knew answering this question is challenging for artists and creatives, but I'm learning this is true of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have to be artists and creative to visualize and execute new ideas. Needless to say, I am finding this challenge in assigning value to more difficult-to-pin-down professions quite intriguing.
Without getting too philosophical, I believe the answer to this question involves a combination of answers to questions such as:
- How many years have you been using your skill set(s)?
- To what extent are you using the skill sets you have to benefit others? In other words, what is your impact (this should be measured quantitatively AND qualitatively)?
- How ethical are you in your dealing with others? (e.g., Do you deliver what you promise?)
- How responsive are you to those you are working with?
- Are others seeking out your skills?
AND ultimately...
- What do you believe your value is?
What do you say, Real Academics? Regarding skill sets, what kind of questions do you think you need to ask yourself to answer the question, "What is your value?" And, how do you think answering this question can practically help you in your professional life?
At Real Academics we help individuals be joyful, productive, and successful in their academic, learning, and life pursuits. Find out more about us and what we can do alongside you at www.therealacademics.com.
As always, we love to hear from you! Send us an email at inforealacademics@gmail.com.
Until next time, happy writing productivity, and truth-seeking,