Get Used to Different
Dear Real Academics,
One of the best series I've watched recently is The Chosen. I love everything about it, including the fact that it is different in the way it's crowd funded, streamed through The Chosen app, and created in a way that is relatable and incredibly high-quality. I also love how Jesus, one of the main characters, tells his students to "Get used to different."
Are you used to different, Real Academics?
I thought I was "used to different" as an academic by default. If I am honest, though, so much of what I and others around me did was really all the "same": Same problems - why do they never get solved? And, do we even want them to solve the problems (Think: If we did, then what would be a purpose for "further research")? Same arguments. Same analysis. I felt like a hamster spinning in a wheel. And what was "new" were really just "new" labels for old ideas. Novelty, I learned much too slowly, was frowned upon if it did not fit certain agendas in academia -- yes, even for individuals with tenure!
Another dimension of "different" is the idea that academics do NOT have to work in universities or specific companies or...[you fill in the blank]. If you get a Ph.D. why do you think you MUST work in a certain place or in a specific role? Have you really thought about what you want to do -- your "so what" to your life mission -- and where that may best be manifested?
Another case in it ok to....gasp...change your mind? Like, what if you start working somewhere and then you don't like it? Or maybe you used to like it but now you don't? Is it OK to change?
Of course!
I regret the times I was afraid of others would think about me if I dared to do something different. For example, why would I leave a secured, successful, tenured position at a university? That, my friends, is a question for a book I need to write later! But, why would it matter what others think? My mom has a saying translated from Spanish to English that says something to the effect that "only the spoon knows how deep the pot is." In other words, lest we judge others too quickly on their decisions, let us humbly realize we don't know the depth of the reasons for their decisions.
For now, my point is that I want you to get used to different AND dare to be different. Only you can decide what you need to be able to thrive with your abilities. Having a reflective mindset is not easy, especially when we get very "busy", but being honestly reflective allows for much growth. The last thing I personally want is to become crustily stagnant. What about you?
My challenge to you, dear Real Academics, is this:
Every couple of months, evaluate if the place you are at is where you are growing and thriving. That place may be where you currently are (physically or mentally or other), or it may be somewhere different.
And...if you need a sounding board on decisions for possible change don't hesitate to reach out. These decisions are BIG and should not be taken lightly. We are here for you!
At Real Academics we help individuals be joyful, productive, and successful in their academic, learning, and life pursuits. Find out more about us and what we can do alongside you at As always, we love to hear from you! Send us an email at
Until next time, happy writing, productivity, and truth-seeking,