Two Months of No Writing

Dear Real Academics,

Since my last blog post titled, Taking a Pause for Productivity, I have not written in two months; and I am now evaluating how it feels not writing for so long.

To be honest, writing right now feels strange... kind of like when, if you play an instrument, your fingers feel weak or awkward when you try to play after months (or in my case, years!) of not playing. Or, if you work out consistently, and you stop for a while and restart, your muscle memory is there but your body is asking, "Why are you doing this?"

If you are a practicing writer, I don't recommend stopping writing for this long. In some ways, it's harder to get back to writing if you break for too long. 

The silver lining to this experience is that I realize I miss writing and I miss interacting with those of you who read these posts and share them with others. I also realize that I can pick up writing again, but I need to give the practice time to feel "normal" again (and to flow).

Perhaps you can relate? If so, I'd love to hear about your experience regarding any practice that you took a break from. What was the practice? How long did you break for? Was it hard to get back to it? Why or why not? Did the break produce any new realizations for you and your practice? You can always leave a blog comment or email me at 

With that said, I end my blog post after two months of no writing.  Thank you for reading!

Until next time, happy writing and productivity,



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