Writing in a New Environment To Spark Creativity

Dear Real Academics,

Dr. Garza and I recently had a major change of environment. 

I dug up some pictures I've taken to illustrate -- I love taking photos!

Here is our previous environment, the desert region of Southern Nevada:


Here is our current environment, the tropical region of South Florida:

Both environments are strikingly beautiful in their own way. But, they are radically different.
To read more about my views of Las Vegas, Nevada after living there for 8 years, read this post.

This drastic change, however, made me think of a strategy that might help you if you are seeking some dose of creativity in your writing.

That is, change your environment.

Don't get me wrong...

Writing in the same place, at the same time, can be very productive.

However, if you want to spark some creativity (given this is your goal), then try changing your writing environment.

The change doesn't have to be a huge, dramatic change like in my example and pictures.
In fact, too huge of a change can cause delays in creativity and productivity -- ask me about it sometime.

Instead, think about how you could change your writing environment by: 
  • Adding a new object to your desk (e.g., a plant, a candle, a small piece of art).
  • Changing your desk orientation to face a new wall or window.
  • Writing somewhere else (e.g., a coffee shop, a patio).
Changing your writing time, could also be something you try. But I would advise against it if you have found your "sweet spot" for writing. If you haven't found your "sweet spot" for writing in terms of time, then by all means try a different time!

Each of you will have likely a threshold of how much "change of environment" you actually need to spark creativity. 

Regardless of how "big" or "small" of a change you are willing to try...try it! 

See if this idea helps spark creativity and/or motivation in any way. 

Then, let us know how it goes.

Until next time, happy writing, productivity, and truth-seeking,


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