Let's Get Technical: 3 Resources To Help START Writing an Academic Paper

Dear Real Academics,

Academic writing is technical by nature. 

This technicality makes it both easy and hard.

It's easy because it has a very clear structure:

Theoretical Framework
Literature Review

But it's hard because all the pieces have to fit together like a puzzle, and they have to fit TIGHTLY.  

Not only that, but the combination of the entire research process having to fit into the structure and all the nitty gritty editing make the whole thing quite difficult to write.

I've written a blog post on some common mistakes academic writers make, and I encourage everyone to take a look.

I recommend three resources that can help you get STARTED with writing these technical pieces.

Here they go:

  1. Becoming an Academic Writer, by Patricia Goodson
  2. Whatever style guideline you must adhere to. I happen to use APA.
  3. Whatever referencing software your university provides (e.g., Endnotes, Mendeley, Refworks)

Other than that, I recommend lots and lots of good feedback and practice. 

This is why it's so important to have a writing community. If you need one, then definitely consider the many we offer at www.therealacademics.com.

Once you start with the above, you can take a look at some other recommended resources.

Of course, if you have sources you like, please share them. You can always reach us at inforealacademics@gmail.com.

Until next time, happy writing, productivity, and truth-seeking, 

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