Burnt-out, Cynical, or Just Plain Tired? Read on for One Powerful Remedy
Dear Real Academics,
This time of the year, there is just so very much going on as the year draws to an end.
If you are feeling burn-out, cynicial, or just plain tired, consider doing this one thing:
Make a gratitude list.
I learned about this strategy from a friend and mentor who shared Anne Voskamp's, book, A Dare To Live Fully Right Where You Are: 1,000 Gifts.
The idea behind the book is to write specific things you are grateful for each day, until you reach a list of 1,000 things (and, then, start over!).
Because the practice of gratitude is transformational.
Gratitude can actually change your mindset, outlook, and mood.
And gratitude in small increments, like any habit, can be incredibly powerful in that transformation (think about incremental change in exercise, diet, and productivity habits).
All you need is a plain notebook and a pen.
Before you go to sleep, write down at least 1 specific thing you are thankful for, for the day.
Some days, this may be easier. Some days it may be harder. The key is to stick with the action of thanksgiving.
Try it out, and let us know how it goes after a few weeks.
Did your outlook and mood change?
Until next time, happy writing, productivity, and truth-seeking,