What Are You Willing to Pay For? $700/minute?!

Dear Real Academics, I previously wrote a blog post titled, " What are you Willing to Pay For "? I noticed a lot of interest in the topic, so I wanted to revisit the idea. You may or may not have heard of Ramit Sethi , an American personal finance advisor and entrepreneur. I recently received one of his emails with the headline "Why I Paid $700 a Minute". The email was so thought-provoking that I'm paraphrasing it with some quotes in blue below. But, stick with me to the very end...I promise there is a connection to academics, and to YOU. Ramit tells the story of how he bought Jay Abraham’s book Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got , and applied to take Abraham's course for small-business owners. The course cost $25,000/year and Ramit had to fly from New York City to Los Angeles every 15 months to meet with Abrahams for 45 minutes. Bottom line: Ramit calculated that it cost him $700 a minute to talk with Abrahams. Yet, here’s what he says ...