Are you Weary? Rest to Finish Strong

Dear Real Academics, I don't know about you, but this time of year is rather wearing for me. In academic-land we have about two weeks left in the semester, and everyone seems weighed down by assignments, exams, meetings, grading, paperwork, and...just...everything... I was reminded by one of my students today about the value of taking time to rest. He shared a picture of a beautiful beach on the San Diego coast (La Jolla) he was able to visit during a conference trip. Though this is not the exact picture, this picture reminds me of the one he shared: It may seem counterintuitive to rest during one of the busiest times of the semester, but rest can be rejuvenating and actually help increase productivity. How can you rest, dear Real Academic? Here are some ideas to get you started: Take a walk (without any technology) and look up at the sky and breathe in fresh air. If you are near mountains or the ocean or any nature (yes, even a patch of grass!), GO and look out at the scenery. Go...