21 Things To Do Off Screen

Dear Real Academics,

The semester will start full force this week, and I'm already dreading the amount of screen time I know I'll be putting in. But, I should not blame work solely for my screen time. 

I find that a lot of my "down-time" is also screen time: Screen time texting, checking other emails on my phone, scrolling through photos, playing word games...you get the idea. I think it would be worst if I had social media on my phone.

This past weekend I challenged myself to minimize my screen time. The sad part was that I didn't know what to "do" without using a screen.  Then, I saw my puppy, Rocky...perfectly content soaking in the sun in the backyard, sniffing the air and looking around at the green grass and blue sky.

In my realization of my screen-dependency, I came up with some ideas listed at the end of this post. Now, don't laugh. I promise I'm not trying to transport you back to some other time-period. 

But, I can truthfully say that this challenge as unbelievable therapeutic and calming to my mind and soul. Minimizing my screen time has helped me be ready to dive into the new semester. With that, I challenge you to try to minimize your screen time. The challenge to myself is to do this exercise at least for a couple of hours once a week.

If you find yourself not knowing what to do with yourself without a screen in front of you, then try something from the list below. 

  1. Start a puzzle.
  2. Play an instrument.
  3. Read a book. If possible, not from a screen.
  4. Listen to music. 
  5. Go have coffee with a friend.
  6. Go for a long walk WITHOUT your cell phone.
  7. If you are physically able and enjoy doing so, go for a run/jog outside without any form of screen or headphones. That's right. No screen. No Apple watch or cell phone. Sorry, if you are trying to count steps or chart distance...why not run/jog/walk just to do it and look and listen to what is around you?
  8. Sew a button or mend a piece of clothing.
  9. Learn how to cross-stitch, crochet, quilt, or knit. If you know how, then start a new project.
  10. Build something...anything.
  11. Write a letter to a loved one by hand and not with a keyboard.
  12. Cook...without a cell phone next to you.
  13. If you have a pet, play with it. Again, no cell phones allowed!
  14. If you have children, play with them with no cell phones around. I will say, I am amazed how little I see parents paying attention to or fully interacting with their children and pet owners to their pets because of cell phones!
  15. Clean out one closet or one drawer.
  16. Wash your car.
  17. Vacuum. This is good exercise...especially if you have carpeted stairs - whew!
  18. Dust the house.
  19. Do some gardening.
  20. If you have enough people, play a board or card game.
  21. Do what Rocky did -- sit outside and just soak in the environment.

If you have other ideas, please let us know! You can reach us anytime through: www.therealacademics.com.

Until next time, happy writing!



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