Taking a Break and Confession
Dear Real Academics,
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Break and found time to reflect on what you are thankful for, no matter how big or small. It is amazing what stopping to be thankful does to the soul!
The week before the break, I will confess that I was not heeding my usual advice about taking breaks between writing sessions. I had SO much on my plate, but I seemed to add more by constantly checking my emails, online courses, electronic calendar, and texts. At one point, my eyes literally started to hurt. And things got a bit blurry. My eye muscles were tired. I don't want this to happen to you (or to me!) as we close out the academic year.
My challenge for you and for me is to make sure to take breaks at least every hour. By breaks, I mean literally setting a timer to remind yourself to GET OFF SCREENS for at least 5 minutes before your next writing/screen session. Allow your eyes to blink and your body to move and don't use the break to be on more screens -- yup, the phone does not count as a break. Rinse and repeat.
The Wash
With that said, I am sharing a picture of my family during Thanksgiving. We took our puppy, Rocky, on a hike in what is called "the wash". The wash is a city system of land that sinks low and runs into tunnels. The wash allows for holding and washing water whenever it rains. Since it rains so rarely, The wash also serves as a great hiking/biking/walking/running route throughout the city. The brushy areas that spring up within the low land are home to desert wildlife including cotton tail bunnies, road runners, quail, desert chipmunks, and coyotes. This Thanksgiving, the wash was literally a time to wash away too much screen time, heal my eyes, and focus on my family.
Tibi and I are thankful for you. If there is any way we can be of assistance as the semester closes out to you or to your students, please let us know.
Until next time, keep on writing!