Do You Want to Improve the QUALITY of Your Writing? The Relationship Between Distance and Quality

Dear Real Academics,

The month of October 2021 we gave our website a facelift. We had launched our website just 6 months before this date, but we realized it was already time to revamp it. Allowing our website to sit for some time and then revisiting it was a helpful exercise. Time "away" (i.e., distance) provided us with perspective to allow for quality revision. 

Allow us to give you an application of the above story related to your writing.

Writing Quality Tips

If you want to improve the quality of your writing:

  1. Start as early as possible. Starting your writing project early gives you time to receive feedback from others and to provide you with personal distance (see points below).

  2. Seek feedback during different phases of your writing project (e.g., beginning, middle, end). External feedback provides a clear set of eyes to see your work and give you valuable reader-based feedback. 

  3. Allow personal distance from your project. Here, personal distance = putting a project aside for a period of time.

    The time could be a day or a week or longer...but maybe not too long, depending on your timeline and any deadlines. 

    The personal distance allows you to come back to the project with new eyes and see things you had not seen before or see things in a different way. 

Our Challenge To You

If you are wanting to up the quality of a project you are working on, we challenge you to try the above. 

If you have a writing project coming up, why not

...start writing it NOW? out external feedback? 

...let your writing sit for a while? 

See what these steps do for the quality of your revision process! Then, let us know!


As we roll into November and the holiday season, the best gift you could give us (not that you have to! lol. But...we'd be grateful) would be to recommend our website and blog to at least one other person. Please:

  1. Check out our website:

  2. Share the website and/or this blog post with at least one other person today.

Thank you! 

  • We appreciate you and your support and being part of this community!
  • If you have not officially joined the Real Academics family, subscribe to our newsletter.
  • We look forward to generating more helpful content for you. 

Until next time, keep on writing!

Maggie and Tibi


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