Which Season of Academic Writing Are You In?
Dear Real Academics, I've written in the past about a book I enjoyed reading because of the content and because it was so beautifully written: Spiritual Rhythm by Mark Buchanan . The premise of the book revolves around observing life through seasons. With that said, indulge me a bit to think about how seasons might look in terms of academic writing. And, more importantly, what that season means for you as an academic writer. As you read, think about what season YOU are in. Spring A time of new, energy, and activity Examples could be: The start of a new project; generating new ideas; starting a new job What the season means for you as an academic writer: Embrace the season of excitement. Use the season to foster collaborations and get involved in new learning activities. Try out new strategies. Read and write different kinds of things. Summer A time of warmth, vacation, and time Examples could be: A sabbatical year; a writing retre...