Too Much on Your Plate and Wish You Knew Where to Start? 3 Tips to Successfully Start and Finish Your Work for the Day

Dear Real Academics, Are you feeling as though you have too many things on your "to-do" list? Are you wanting to get things done, but feel directionless about where to start? Try these 3 ideas to help you (1) start, (2) get things done, and (3) get the weight of the "to-do list" off your shoulders. (1) Do the hard things first. “Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.” — Dale Carnegie It might sound counter-intuitive, but doing the hard things first will psychologically take a huge weight off of your shoulders and make everything else you need to do feel easier. Take a look at your to do list, and prioritize 2-3 of the most important things you need to get done. Highlight them in some way and commit to doing getting these tasks done (or started) before doing any of the rest. Note: This is why it's often helpful for academics to get their writing done before anything else, especially when they understand that writing is priority for...